The opening scene of Outlander S02E13: Dragonfly in Amber is bring us to Scotland, 1968. Claire bring Brianna back to Scotland to give the last respect to a man who help her during her stay in Inverness with Frank, The Reverend. Every corner of Reverend's house bring Claire so many memories. Roger offer Claire and Brianna to stay at the house instead of drive back to London.
Claire Randall Monolgue #1:
Mrs Graham had warned me not to spend my days chasing a ghost, and so I hadn't. But now that I was here, the ghosts were starting to chase me.
Roger take Brianna to visit some of Scotland historical place like Fort William. Claire also take this opportunity to visit Lallybroch by herself. All memories suddenly comes to live and feel real for Claire. It's forever her home. Brianna try to get something from Roger if he remember anything about her parents when they stay with the reverend.
When Roger and Brianna visit a college in Inverness, she meet Gillian Edgars, a Scottish patriotic gives speech about Scotland history. Brianna & Roger researching the reverend old journals and found a box of document & letters between Frank and the reverend.
Back in April 16, 1746, the day of Culloden battle, Jamie try his best to influence Prince Charles to stop the battle, but he wasn't success. Claire comes up with a crazy idea to stop the battle is to kill Prince Charles with some jasmine potion. Dougal overheard and try to stop them. Jamie has no other choice than silence his uncle.
When Claire set her foot on Culloden Mor, in front of Clan Fraser tomb, she tell Jamie everything about her life after she came back thorough the stone. After 20 years, Claire finally say good bye to Jamie Fraser. On the reverend box, Brianna found old newspaper piece about Claire kidnapped by the Fairies. Bree confront Claire about this event.
Corner for the truth, Claire tells Bree everything. Bree wanted to know the truth even though it's hard for her to believe that her real father is a redheaded guy in a kilt from the 18th century. To make Bree believe, Claire show her the deed to Lallybroch that has her name on it.
Claire Randall Monolgue #2:
There were ghosts around me everywhere since I'd arrived. The face was unmistakable, Geillis Duncan. I remember the date she told me at the trial, the year she came through the stones. 1968.
This was no ghost. Geillis was here, younger version of her, but she was here.
Found a flyer with a younger version of Geillis, Claire come to see her at her house. Out of her luck, Claire only meet with her husband, Greg. He tell Claire, Geillis has been away for a week. That night, Roger, Bree, and Claire try to stop Geillis from traveling time through stone.
Claire Randall Monolgue #3:
For hours I read Geillis' notebooks. I tried to make sense of the convoluted pages. They contained formulas about the art and science of time travel.
Unlike myself, Geillis had studied and prepared for her journey. I was stunned to learn she believed you must have a human sacrifice to move through the stones, and gemstones to protect and guide you.
From what I could tell, Geillis planned to pass through
Craigh na Dun, and soon. Sadly, I knew how that trip would end, with Geillis burned on a pyre in Cranesmuir. I had to try and stop her.
Knowing the battle of Culloden is a lost cause, Jamie ask Murtagh to gather the Frasers of Lallybroch together and get them out of moor. For her safety because she's pregnant, Jamie take Claire to Craigh Na Dun, make her fulfill her promise to back home if the battle of Culloden is coming.
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