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Hello, my lovely blog readers, how are you?. I hope you'll have wonderful day, and let me just say:

Welcome to Outlander at Heart | Meet The Fraser blog. 

If you're here, you must be a fans of Outlander. You know the best tv show out there with the best cast & crew in industry. That's probably too much, but I don't care because it's true.

Now, a little bit about me. My name is Jaenne and my social media username is svnserendipity. I don't watch tv show often like I used to be because you know, life, hahaha and one day I google "best tv show 2018". I don't remember the website I clicked but Outlander was on the list. To be honest when I read the synopsis I'm not quiet fond with the story, because I don't like travelling through time storyline. But, I just want to watch new show that time, so I search for Outlander review on rotten tomatoes, which is the first season have 91%-94%. So, I thought why just watch the first episode. If I don't like it I just stop, right?.

So, I watched the first episode and I was like WTF?. Btw, I don't read the books yet, so I'm completely zero clue what this story all about, accept a woman travelling time to 18th century hehehe. I love everything about the first episode "Sassenach". The story, costume, the location, and the music. But mostly I think the acting. Sam, Cait, and Tobias are brilliant!. They make acting looks easy, right?. Anyway, it only took one episode to convinced me to finish the whole series in 1.5 months :).

I decided to create an Outlander blog because I need one place where I can share my love about Outlander and support the cast in their carrer (because they're amazing!) without getting lost in the sea of internet content. I know social media is great, but sometimes it's too overwhelm to catch up hahaha.

Also I'm not an english speaker, so forgive me if you catch my grammar and vocabulary wrong :). If you want to give me suggestion regarding this blog or just want to reach out, feel free to contact me. Cheers.


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