Concern about Claire well being, lieutenant Jeremy Foster take her to meet his commander at Brockton. Dougal come along with them. Claire is welcome by the brigadier general, Sir Oliver Lord Thomas, and join him and his men for lunch. There's a tension interaction between Dougal and Lord Thomas that makes Dougal has to leave the room.
Claire Randall Monologue #1:
Even though I wasn't going by my own choice,
I still felt a heaviness leave my breast.
And for the first time since I passed through the standing
stones at Craigh na Dun, I found myself surrounded
by my own people.
They might be called Redcoats instead of Tommies,
but they were still the British Army I had been a part of for six long years. And somehow it felt liberating to be looked upon with sympathy and respect instead of hostility and suspicion.
I knew only too well what Dougal was feeling.
A Scottish village it may be, and on Mackenzie land at that,
but for Dougal, it was now enemy territory, and he was the outlander.
Out of Dougal ear, Lord Thomas order lieutenant Foster to guide Claire back to Inverness. In the middle of conversation, Captain Jonathan Randall suddenly storm in the room give some urgent report to Lord Thomas. He look surprise to see Claire in the room.
Claire Randall Monologue #2:
Inverness, and from there only a brief journey would take me to the
stones at Craigh na Dun and a chance to return to my own time.
Claire and Randall argue each other about morality and politics in current war. In panic state, lieutenant Foster report there are incident and 2 wounded British soldiers. Claire offer to help. When she's back to the room, it's only Captain Randall there.
Claire Randall Monologue #3:
When the Germans surrendered, I thought I 'd participated in my last amputation, but it seemed as though I was condemned to dream
about yet more young men maimed for life on the battlefield.
Captain Randall then apologize for his behavior on their first encounter in the woods. Say the memory of it leaves him shamed. Randall ask Claire's honesty about her background. The honest conversation is more like an interrogation for Claire. She try making up stories as best as she could but Randall didn't believe her.
Randall offer Claire a deal. She can continue her journey to Inverness, in return she has to give him a proof of Dougal's Jacobite Army fund. When Claire refuse to cooperate, he get violent on her. Dougal rescue her on time. Randall let them go but told Dougal that Claire is being questioned by a British officer and need to be deliver to Fort William tomorrow morning.
Claire Randall Monologue #4:
My body still reeling from mistreatment, the last thing I felt
like was a headlong gallop through the rough terrain of the highlands.
I feared I was close to fainting when Dougal finally called for a halt.
On their stop, to have a proof that Claire is not an English or France spy, Dougal make her drink the liar's spring water. Dougal also have solution for Claire so she wouldn't have to go to Fort William in the eye of the law. Her legal option is to marry a Scottish. And Dougal choice is Jamie Fraser.
Music on Outlander S01E06: The Garrison Commander.
The Marriage Contract by Bear McCreary
The end of episode when Claire and Jamie discuss about their sudden marriage.
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