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[Outlander Summary] S01E04: The Gathering.

Claire starting to plan her escape. When she play with children outside the Castle Leoch, she will left breadcrumbs on her escape path. For a person from 20th century, seeing a 18th century highlander gathering is fascinated for Claire. And she's actually enjoy the festive.

Claire Randall Monologue #1:

The hunting game was more than a pleasant diversion.
It allowed me to reconnoiter the terrain around the castle without suspicion.

So far I had found at least two possible escape routes, and left breadcrumbs to mark my way to freedom.

The victory day celebrations in London and Paris far exceeded the gathering of the Mackenzie clan in terms of sheer size, but this was something different...

simple joy, unencumbered by the trauma of war or the exhaustion of its end. The Mackenzies were simply glad to see one another.
Despite my eagerness to leave, my heart lifted whenever I walked through the encampment and a small part of me regretted my imminent escape.

I had the entire route mapped out in my head. At night, both windows would be lighted by torch, beacons to guide me to the breaches in the sentry posts.

But I still needed to find dictions for my ever-present shadows.

I now needed to tend to the other elements of my plan.

After left breadcrumbs, Claire need a ride. She tell Rupert she need to find a horse for the hunt event, because she will come along just in case someone need a healer. She find a horse named Brimstone.

Claire Randall Monologue #2:

Uncle Lamb had taught me to ride during the years we lived in Ireland.

But that was a long time ago, and I needed to pick a gentle, easy horse.

There would be no turning for home, not if I had anything to say about it.

When Claire back to her surgery room, she surprise to find Geilles there. Geilles notice the stock of food Claire have in surgery room and ask her if she's pregnant. The true is Claire has been prepare for her escape that night when people gather for oath-taking.

Claire Randall Monologue #3:

Later tonight, all the fighting men of the Mackenzie clan would gather in the hall and make their oaths of allegiance to Colum.

No one would be watching the stables.

I was almost ready.

Tonight would be my one and only chance to escape Leoch and return to Craigh Na Dun.

I knew how I might dodge my shadows. I had my mount and my provisions. Now all I lacked was a weapon, should I need it.

As a guest to Colum, Mrs. Fitz prepare Claire with a proper dress. One by one of MacKenzie clansmen including Dougal, Angus, and Rupert take oath to be loyal to Colum MacKenzie. Because it's the same oath, Claire decide it it's time to leave. To be free from Angus shadow, Claire give him a drink that have some sleep potion in it.

Claire Randall Monologue #4:

At first I thought Mrs. Fitz's intervention would disrupt my plans, but then I realized that with her at my side as a proper escort, my shadows would be less vigilant as I moved through the castle.

I needed them to relax, to let down their guard and enjoy the festivities if I was to distract them later.

The more unconscious clansmen tonight, the better.

Back into her surgery room, Claire grab everything she needs. When she's about to leave the room, Laoghaire show up asking for the love potion. Walking through to her freedom, Claire meet a couple of drunken clansmen but then Dougal appear to help her. Dougal is drunk as well and when he spot her bag of supply, Claire hit him with a chair to unconscious.

Claire Randall Monologue #5:

Dried horse dung.
Harmless if a bit pungent.
Jamie would never know the difference.

Past the storeroom on the right.
Avoid the kitchen.
Through the east wing, then make for the north stairs.

I had to focus and forget about the incident with Dougal.
Fifteen paces towards the well. Keep to the northwest to avoid the sentry, who usually faces south.

Brimstone is on the right, fourth stall from the doorway.

In hurry, Claire run to the stable and unfortunately stumble to Jamie who sleep on the ground. Jamie say Claire won't go far in the dark night with strange horse and a castle full of MacKenzie men, not to mention the best trackers in the clan are attended the gathering. When Jamie take her back to the castle, they got caught by guards. Jamie then forced to take an oath in main hall in front of Colum.

Claire Randall Monologue #6:

Je suis pret.
"I am ready."
But ready for what?.

Claire join the clansmen for pig hunt the next morning. One of the hunter is brutally injured and Claire sadly couldn't save him. To heal his deep sorrow, when they back to Leoch, Dougal join Jamie who play an ancient Scottish sport that look like field hockey.

Claire Randall Monologue #7:

It wasn't spurting, which meant the femoral artery wasn't cut.
So there was a good chance I could stop the bleeding at the thigh.

But that would only allow him to linger in increasing agony.
The wound to his abdomen...was fatal.

A better death, perhaps, was what Dougal was giving him...
to die cleanly under this sky, his heart's blood staining the same leaves dyed by the blood of the beast that killed him.

Claire Randall Monologue #8:

My escape attempt thwarted...
I was faced with the terrifying possibility that I was destined to stay in this dungeon forever.

I wasn't ready to give up, but I needed time to come up with another plan.

Dougal came to meet Claire in her surgery to say thank you for what she did to Geordie on his final moments. He also tell Claire she's coming with him and the men on the road to collecting rents.

Claire Randall Monologue #9:

As the confines of the castle walls faded behind me like a bad dream,
I took my first full breath in weeks.
I had no idea where this journey would lead me, what opportunity might present itself.

I could only hope it would bring me closer to the standing stones of Craigh Na Dun. If so, I was determined to reach them,
knowing this time I must not fail.

Music on Outlander S01E04: The Gathering.

That Lovely Weekend by Dorothy Carless, Geraldo and His Orchestra.
Claire in the stable talking to Alec, asking for a horse for hunt event.

Clean Pease Strae by Bear McCreary.
Dougal join Jamie playing Scottish sport of shinty.

On the Road by Bear McCreary.
The end of episode. Claire and Dougal and his men leaving Castle Leoch to collecting rents.


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