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[Outlander Summary] S01E09: The Reckoning.

Jamie Fraser Monologue #1:

Strange, the things you remember.
The people, the places, the moments in time burned into your heart forever while others fade in the mist.

I've always known I've lived a life different from other men.
When I was a lad, I saw no path before me.

I simply took a step and then another, ever forward, ever onward, rushing toward someplace, I knew not where.

And one day I turned around and looked back and saw that each step I'd taken was a choice. To go left, to go right, to go forward, or even not go at all.

Every day, every man has a choice between right and wrong, between love and hate, sometimes between life and death. And the sum of those choices becomes your life.

The day I realized that is the day I became a man.

After received his reward, Horrocks told Jamie the man who shot the sergeant was Captain Jonathan Randall himself. Jamie furious when Willie deliver the news that Claire was captured by redcoats. The group immediately ride to Fort William to save Claire. Randall surely looks surprise when Jamie break the window to save Claire and tell him to take his hands off his wife.

Jamie Fraser Monologue #2:

Sometimes I wonder why I chose not to take his life.
But at that moment, I only thought to make certain he wasna about to raise the alarm.

It never occurred to me to kill a helpless man, even one such as Randall.

The group (Jamie, Murtagh, Angus, and Rupert) successful save Claire and stop on their way back to water the horses. Jamie took this opportunity to confront Claire for being reckless. Claire confuse why she should be apologize. She's the one who taken hostage by Jack Randall. They got into the fight about the incident. Jamie told Claire it's hard for him to go to Fort William with empty pistol and bare hands.

Jamie Fraser Monologue #3:

She asked forgiveness, and I gave it.
But the truth is, I'd forgiven everything she'd done
and everything she could do long before that day.

For me, that was no choice.
That was falling in love.

When they arrive at the inn, Claire try to say thank you to Murtagh, Angus, and Rupert for risking their life to save her, but they just ignore her. In their bedroom, Jamie punish Claire in Scottish way, so she can learn her lesson to obey what he say next time. As a 20th century women, Claire resist it.

Jamie Fraser Monologue #4:

Justice done, problem solved.
I thought the page had turned on an unpleasant chapter.

But I had precious little experience as a husband,
or I would never have had such naive expectations.

If anything, returning to Castle Leoch only heightened the tensions and strains on my newfound marriage and presented me with more choices that would affect our lives for years still to come.

People of Castle Leoch, including the laird congrats Claire and Jamie for their wedding. In private meeting, Colum ask an explanation from Dougal, Ned, and Jamie about the money they collect for Jacobite Army. When they alone, Colum show his disapproval that Jamie marry a Sassenach. He sees it as Jamie's way out to not become his heir.

Having different opinion about the war, Dougal and his men decide to leave Castle of Leoch. Jamie ask Colum to make peace with his brother.

Jamie Fraser Monologue #5:

I should have been happy that the MacKenzie clan wasna about to tear itself apart and that I'd repaired my relationship with Colum and Dougal.

But I wasn't.

The rift with Claire was an open wound that would not heal.
I needed to do something, make a decision, choose a course of action.

But what?.

Laoghaire expect an explanation from Jamie about his sudden marriage to Claire. She said she's been in love with him since she's just 7 years old. Jamie reject her. Back to their bedroom, Jamie try to make peace with Claire. Pledge he won't raise his hand against her anymore.

Jamie Fraser Monologue #6:

For the first time since I was a lad, I felt uncertain about my next step.
All I knew is I had to find a way forward, one step at a time.

Music on Outlander S01E09: The Reckoning.

Fort William Rescue by Bear McCreary.
Jamie, Murtagh, Angus, and Rupert break in to Fort William to save Claire.

The Key to Lallybroch by Bear McCreary.
Jamie tell Claire her wedding ring is made from Lallybroch key. Not sure when they can get back there.


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