The season finale episode is a mix of what left from previous episode and what would happen to Jamie & Claire's life in another universe. Lionel Brown kidnapped Claire and seeking revenge for her little newspaper column as Dr. Rawlings. They took her to Brownville. Weak, hurt, violated, and alone, Claire start to imagine what her life look like with Jamie and the rest of Fraser family if they lives in her, Bree, and Roger time, the future. There's a hope to escape from Lionel Brown, when one of Lionel's men, Wendigo Donner, is another time traveler and recognized some of the things Claire said. Meanwhile Bree, Roger, and Jeremy woke up at the same spot of the circle stone, confess to each other that they were thinking about home when touching the stone. Luckily, young Ian still at the same place as well. The family save Claire and punish Lionel and his men for what they deserved. Jamie Fraser's Monologue: I have lived through war and lost much. I know wh...
The Frasers passed a burned house on their way back home. They found no survivor. What surprise them more when they get home is to find out that Jeremiah is able to travel. On the same day, they received a group of visitor, lead by The Brown brother who looking for information about recent violent attacks just like what Jamie witness a few days before. After seeing the effect of opal stone on Claire, Bree, and Roger, young Ian have his answer about his uncle's family secret. Because of his action towards Mr. Forbes to save Jocasto, Jamie and Claire had to hide Ulysses on their property. John Grey also pay Jamie a visit to inform him he will be back to Helwater to prepare William to become the next earl of the property. One of The Brown bothers came back to Jamie demand answer if he will join the Committee of Safety. Jamie answer is no. Lionel Brown also asked if Claire is available to take care of his injured wife. Bree and Roger starting to say good bye to the people they l...