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[Outlander Summary] S05E12: Never My Love.

The season finale episode is a mix of what left from previous episode and what would happen to Jamie & Claire's life in another universe. Lionel Brown kidnapped Claire and seeking revenge for her little newspaper column as Dr. Rawlings. They took her to Brownville. Weak, hurt, violated, and alone, Claire start to imagine what her life look like with Jamie and the rest of Fraser family if they lives in her, Bree, and Roger time, the future. There's a hope to escape from Lionel Brown, when one of Lionel's men, Wendigo Donner, is another time traveler and recognized some of the things Claire said. Meanwhile Bree, Roger, and Jeremy woke up at the same spot of the circle stone, confess to each other that they were thinking about home when touching the stone. Luckily, young Ian still at the same place as well. The family save Claire and punish Lionel and his men for what they deserved. Jamie Fraser's Monologue: I have lived through war and lost much. I know wh
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[Outlander Summary] S05E11: Journeycake.

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[Outlander Summary] S05E10: Mercy Shall Follow Me.

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[Outlander Summary] S05E09: Monsters And Heroes.

Claire Fraser Monologue #1: Time is marked and measured in different ways. The colors of our lives were changing. The vibrant greens of summer faded beneath the ever-varied canvas of sky, replaced by the russet tones of autumn, brown hues of harvest, and blue-violet shades of indigo dye. Life looks peace and quiet at Fraser's Ridge as autumn season approach. Marsali's pregnancy is in right track, and Bree and Claire have a mother - daughter conversation about what they want to be in their life. When Jamie and several men went to buffalo hunting, he's got bitten by a snake. Jamie asked Roger to get other men for help but he returned with no success. Ian, Fergus, and Josiah already going back to Fraser's Ridge. Because of Jamie's condition, they forced to make a camp and hoping people will come to search them. Burning up and in pain, Jamie asked Roger to kill Stephen Bonnet if he by destiny can't do it himself. Men of Fraser's Ridge found them th

[Outlander Summary] S05E08: Famous Last Words.

Recovering from his trauma, physically & mentally, with Claire help, 3 months after the incident, Roger trying to get to his old self and his voice back to at least communicate with others so he can share with them what really happened when they caught him at regulators camp. As a wife, Bree try her best to support her dear husband. For the compensation of his action towards Roger, governor Tryon offer Bree and Roger 5.000 acres of land. Being the only close family of Murtagh, Jocasta and Jamie still mourning for the lose of the man they both love and care. When Jamie and Claire playing with Jeremy, Young Ian show up and save them from a wild boar. Living with Mohawk for several years sharp Young Ian into a different person. Roger and Young Ian went to survey the land that the governor offered and bond through life experience and the same situation they're currently in that makes them a new persons. Music on Outlander S05E08: Famous Last Words.