Jamie and Taran are in the line waiting to be hung. Jamie fight the guards when his name called to be executed. Randall suddenly appear and ask guards to stop Jamie execution. They escort him to dungeon cell. Claire finally got an access to the warden to find information about Jamie. Claire sigh a little bit relieve when the warden tell her Jamie execution has been granted a temporary stay for a little while.
Angus and Rupert collects some information from Wentworth workers while playing dice. They know the time when is the warden having his evening meal and his habit to read the bible. That is enough information for Claire.
Randall visit Jamie in his cell and burn Jamie's petition of complaint against him. He play with Jamie's mind ask him to surrender and he can choose how he want to leave this world. Instead of surrender, Jamie choose to fight back. But it's not easy for Jamie when he's tie to chain, alone, and week.
Claire visit the warden again when he's not in the office. When the guard leave, Claire and Murtagh searching for map and cell keys. Claire found Jamie in his cell with broken hand and hurt. Randall caught her when Claire try to release Jamie from chain. Jamie make an offer to Randall to let Claire go in safety and he can have him.
At their shelter, Claire and the men discuss their rescue plan. With 19 cattle owned by a friend, Murtagh apparently have an idea.
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